
Friday, January 13, 2012

A Christmas Present

Wake up, you loafer ! Don’t waste my time. I have lots of places to visit. Get up  otherwise you will miss this Christmas present.”
A portly,white bearded man wearing a redcoat with white collar and a red trouser ,was beside my bed , having some gift packs along with a red envelope in his hands.
Stop yawning and listen to me carefully. I got a Christmas present for you.”
Christmas present for me ! I never got any earlier.” I responded rubbing my eyes.
Yes ! You come across all the good things only once in your life. Although the bad things happen repeatedly.”
I had an eye on the largest gift box in his hands but contrary to my expectations he handed me the red envelope.
“It’s a message from God. He was complaining that ,it’s been a long time since you remembered him.” he answered before I could ask what was it ?
I recalled, the last time I prayed was just before the final assessment in training. Later, I tried visiting some popular temples for ‘Puja’, ‘Archna’ and ‘Aarti’ but each time I ended up with empty wallet for the sake of pundits there.
I opened the envelope , there was a letter and a message written on it.
Dear human,
“Once there was a beautiful place in universe called Earth, that I had provided to you for living. You started living happily in that heavenly environment. But as you increased in numbers you developed a common characteristics among yourself : “hatred”. And this very envy among yourself is helping me out in a way.Here, I got a shortage of tormented space  so called ‘HELL’. So I was thinking of shifting this HELL called thing there, on Earth ,as it seems there would be no any difference in both in the coming future.”
“But there is still time left. Stop being a Villain through out your lifetime ! Stop daydreaming and sitting idle all the day! Stop being possessive in nature! Do not wait to listen what others say about yourself . The inside story is in “What you think of yourself.” There is always only one obstacle in your progressive life and that is YOU. Change yourself if you can, otherwise the Earth would be renamed as ‘HELL !’”


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