“So you use your own Unix login credentials for data base connectivity.”
“Yes I do.”
“Can you show me the details of your daily hourly effort you put in work ?”
“Yes sure !”
“Whom are you reporting to?”
“Earlier I was reporting to Mr. …. but now its Mr. …..”
It was an audit going on just behind me. The person was shooting questions like a bullet to my team mate and She was taking those questions as an input, processing them and came up with a well verse answer as an output. The big boss was standing beside them watching the conversation. As it was afternoon period , I was sleeping from inside , trying hard to keep my eyes open. Suddenly I could feel my chair oscillating like someone had played “Hips don’t lie” song and my chair was well aware of that.Thinking of someone might be shaking my chair intensely,I turned around making a face to see who was it. Aware of the situation the audit person was rushing towards the exit.Probably he knew the fact that if he would be late, God would be taking his audit from next time ! Somebody announced “ it’s an earthquake.” People started vacating the place. No damage was done at that place.I could find many people not aware of the slight tremors. I asked my Boss for a permission -
“Boss ! Could I take one iMac with me ,as, if the tremor returns with magnitude, there would be nothing left for coding !”
“Yes! Sure, you can , if the security allows you to do so.” he replied sarcastically.
Within five minutes people were outside the building gathered around for the discussion that continued another half an hour.
“If it would be of high magnitude , you won’t even get time to move from your place.Within a fraction of seconds you would be somewhere beneath the debris.”
“Where is Mr. ….?”
“He said he won’t come out of building. He’s afraid,what if a P1 ticket comes in between !”
Back to work after half an hour I went straight to one of my team mate – “Please give me your helmet. I want to secure my future for the day. I even don’t have any LIC policy till yet !”